
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Little Things Thursday

It's the little things that make us happy.

Like how I love the fact that the house we bought almost two years ago had existing hydrangeas planted in the backyard. Full, lovely, bloom-all-summer-long hydrangeas. They range from pink to blue to purple. I know you can vary the color by changing the soil pH, etc., but I love to see what nature will bring on it's own. So pretty!

I just cut a few that were on their last days. The following are just a few that survived the night.

Two blooms are perched in a smaller white enamel pitcher from Ikea on a petite desk that is painted a soft shade of grey. I got it from Urban Farmgirl at the Kane County Flea last summer. Hopefully I will add better photos of the desk some day. I just love it.

The chalkboard on the wall is also from Urban Farmgirl. Matching grey/white paint. I have been SLOW to update my message - you can see a heart from my Valentine's Day message!

I can't stand chalk dust. Could be from having to pound the old black erasers on the brick wall outside my 4th grade classroom. Could be asthma. Either way, I much prefer the Chalk Pens they have now. 

I saw on my beloved Pinterest a better way to make signs on my chalkboard. I have been using my free-hand, wing-it approach so far, but I will see if I can try the new and improved technique next time. If it works, I will come up with something clever to put in a post. :)

For a sweet and simple vignette in the powder room, I used a few vintage bottles I have collected. I played around with their arrangement. {The stem in the clear bottle was acting a little zany, but it was such a lovely shade of blue. I forgave it, heck - I embraced it. We're all a little bent now and then.}

I had found the tiniest, pale bloom. I thought it was beautiful and so dainty. It deserved to be displayed all by itself. I placed it in an old silver creamer. I love me some patina.

I tried it out with the bottle collection. The combo made it look larger. Not so dainty anymore. Trick of the eye, I suppose.

I heart my blue bottles the most. I have several, but these two little ones and the clear bottle seemed to fit the stems best. The lettering on the bottles is so fun - it adds character and texture. Each one I have is different.

The image above makes me think it's tilted, but again - just a trick of the eye. Whether it's the perfectly imperfect bottle or the bend of the stem. 

I had many more in this much taller version of the same pitcher from Ikea. This bouquet was in a little alcove that I can never decide what to put there. They were a deeper purple than the rest. Some may think there is a lot of white going on here, but I'm fond of it myself. White, pure and simple.

Not sure if I trust these within arms reach of my little firecracker, though. This will probably be a short-lived display. This is NOT how the rest of my house looks - and I'm really digging its simplicity.

I'm going to try drying some out. I've read that the best way to dry hydrangeas is to leave them in their water until it is all gone. I'll post images if they turn out!

~All images are my own and can also be found on my Pinterest boards. ~

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