
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pink Lemonade Cupcakes

My sister is a Pampered Chef consultant. This fact comes with perks for me!

We happened to babysit my nephews for her this past Saturday, and to thank me she gave me a stone muffin pan that I've been coveting. {All my other muffin pans get rust stains even washing by hand.}
Never seen that happen to stoneware. So... Lucky me!

I was so excited to try it out, and I just happened to have some pink lemonade cake mix I picked up on clearance at Target (summer is not over yet!). I knew just what I wanted to do with it.

You see, my 8 year old son has severe food allergies. He used to be allergic to everything on God's green Earth. The great news is that now he has grown out of all of his food allergies with the exception of eggs, peanuts and tree nuts. Baking is hard - eggs are in everything. And alternatives are not so tasty.

~ But, again, I count my blessings for what he can now have. ~

I have tried so many variations of eggless cupcakes/cakes for parties. Everyone sweetly eats them like they are yummy... Everyone, that is, but my son! :) He touches the tip of his tongue to it and declares it inedible.

He doesn't trust food. I don't blame him. Certain foods could cause him serious harm or even death. Again, I do NOT blame him for this. If anything I blame myself. {You know the "what if" game we mothers play.}

Anywhooo...on to my actual topic! I decided to try a quick recipe from Pinterest that was egg-free - and super duper easy. 'Cause that's how I roll.

Oh, and yes, I used a boxed cake mix. Don't hate me too much!

  • box Pillsbury Pink Lemonade cake mix
  • 1 cup greek yogurt 
  • 1 cup water

  • Mix the cake mix and greek yogurt until well blended (mine looked very crumbly like couscous)
  • Add water and mix until smooth and creamy (mine was thicker than typical cake batter)
  • Follow baking directions on box {I baked cupcakes, so I baked them for about 18 minutes at 350 degrees}
I realized after making my cupcakes that I didn't have frosting. So, back to Pinterest I went! I had been wanting to try this recipe for a quick frosting that, again, was sure to not have egg.

  • 1 pkg Jell-O instant pudding (any size, any flavor desired)
  • 1 container Cool Whip
  • 1/2 the milk called for on your pudding box

Directions for Frosting:
  • Mix pudding packet with 1/2 the amount of milk called for on the box. {Mine said to mix with 2 cups of milk, so I used just 1 cup.}
  • Fold in Cool Whip
  • Stand back and appreciate how simple that was! :)
Once your cupcakes are completely cooled, frost away.

I had some adorable strawberry cupcake liners waiting for the perfect opportunity. I even added a fresh, homegrown strawberry from my little deck garden.

Now, I can only imagine the amount of combinations/adaptations these two recipes could make. The greek yogurt is supposedly delicious combined with chocolate cake mix. And you could add flavored pudding to the frosting. This is fairly low-fat, but you could use sugar free pudding mix and Cool Whip Lite, to reduce calories, too. 

{I wish I had taken the time to pipe the frosting on, but hey, it was naptime - I do what I can with the time that I have!}

I even decided after all the cupcakes were eaten that it would have been SO cute to dip the rim of the cupcake frosting in Country Time lemonade powder.


  1. so cute! Looks delicious!

  2. Looks absolutely wonderful! Love that you used Greek yogurt!

    1. Thanks, Tanya! They were delish - and super easy! Just my style. :)

  3. Didn't know about your son's allergies. My youngest used to have tons of allergies too. We outgrew them all but I used to try and bake without eggs, gluten or soy and I remember jumping up and down and yelling with excitement when a baked good rose, browned or didn't crumble. There are so many more options today! Pretty cupcake.

    1. Yes, it was pretty awful. He drank goat's milk for 5 years. He outgrew his allergies to dairy, wheat, soy, oat, chicken, beef, pork, ... I'm sure the list kept going, but I've tried to block it from my memory! So now we just deal with the egg and nuts. He wasn't okayed to have meat until he was almost 5. Not exactly an opportune time to try new food textures. So, to this day he is primarily a vegetarian. But it's SO much better than it used to be. :)
      Aren't you still cooking/baking gluten free? I thought I saw that on your blog.

  4. That sounds delicious ..... visiting you via Six Sisters party....I'd like to invite you to share this at CountryMommaCooks link party going on now.....and we are having a giveaway....have a great weekend : )

    1. Hi, Deana!
      I will head over to your link party now!
      Thank you so much!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Olá,
    que delícia de cupcake, nunca fiz.....rsrs vou tentar


  7. Hi! I have never seen Pink Lemonade mix before. I will have to find some because these are right up my alley! Coming over from TT&J. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Christy!
      I hadn't either until I was in the seasonal clearance aisle at Target - looking for outdoor/patio stuff. But if you can't find it anymore, I bet you could just add some pink lemonade drink mix (the powder) into a white cake mix and it would be about the same. You could add a little at a time and taste test the batter - oh, what an awful job. :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Those cupcakes look delish!! I'm stopping by from the GFC Blog Hop and am now a new follower:) Would love for you to stop by Crazy Mama Drama!

    1. Hi Brooke!
      Thank you for visiting! I checked out your site and it never ceases to make me laugh. Even my husband wanted to read the latest post about sister wives! :)
      I am following you now, too!

  9. Thanks for much for sharing this last week! You're being featured on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes this week! Hope to see you again this week!
    Mackenzie :)

    1. Hi Mackenzie,
      Thank you so much for featuring my post this week! How exciting! :)
      I will definitely continue to share and visit others through Cheerios & Lattes Saturday Show & Tell!

  10. LOVE your header! Found you on the blog hop. Newest follower from stop by when ever you'd like :)

    1. Thank you! I stopped by your site and am your newest follower.
      Even following on pinterest, too! :)
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  11. You have created a gorgeous blog . . . it is totally captivating. I will be back. Right now I'm having a little problem, when I follow a blog, I have lost my thumbprint, now I get a blue silhouette . . . maybe you know the answer. I would love to follow your blog, but hate following without a thumbprint. Trying to figure out how to fix it. I see that you have some followers with only the blue square so if you don't mind, just come on over and follow me, and I'll blue square you back, LOL. Have a great day. I Love your site. Come on over my welcome matt is always out.
    Connie :)

    1. Hi Connie!
      Thank you so much! You are very kind. I am so new to this blogging thing, but I hop over to your blog and became your newest follower. It showed my thumbnail. Hmmm...I wonder if it is something in my settings. I will take a look! Strange that some are shown and others not. I'll leave you a comment on your blog if I find out! :)

  12. Yum! This sounds delish. I just discovered that brand of greek yogurt and am finally in love. Now to try the cupcake recipe.


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