
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Easy Cinnamon Crescent Rolls

This is a quicky post about a quicky breakfast. I've been crazy busy with the kids starting their sports and had a bad bought of vertigo earlier this week. {NOT fun} So I haven't had a new post in a while.

But first, I wanted to say THANK YOU! I am so thrilled with the wonderful response to my little DIY Pumpkin Patch post! I was emailing the lovely and talented Claire at a little something in the meantime last week about how it so fun when someone else likes something you've created. It makes our efforts seem validated, because truthfully, my family doesn't even notice the little things I do. They have become "normal". To wake up the day before school and see that mom created a whole vignette, printable, chalkboard design, etc. Totally normal everyday stuff to my kids. :)

So, the blogging community enjoys my creativity more than my family. And I'll take it! I get why it is called a community. :) Thank you, everyone, for your sweet comments!

And if you liked my pumpkins, hop over to Claire's blog. She just posted about paint chip pumpkins... um, can you say So Stinkin' Cute {and clever}. Major inspiration - and even better, she tells you how to store them flat for next year!

On to my ridiculously simple recipe:

Easy Cinnamon Crescent Rolls

Easy Cinnamon Crescent Rolls

  • crescent roll dough {I used reduced fat}
  • butter or margarine
  • cinnamon sugar {or cinnamon & sugar}

this photo was just too boring, had to add some PW action

Note: I got this cinnamon sugar grinder at Trader Joe's and I love it! It gives you nice coarse pieces of sugar.

1: Melt butter in microwave. I used half a stick for two tubes of crescent rolls.

2: Roll out crescent dough. I recommend a jelly roll pan or something with sides to catch any melty goodness. 

Tip: I found after the first batch that separating them before adding butter  makes it easier to roll. The butter was sticking them together and made it a little gooey.

3: Spread melted butter onto the crescent dough.

4: Add generous amounts of cinnamon and sugar until the dough is mostly coated. Below was before I finished - add more :)

5: Roll those bad boys up. Brush with butter again and sprinkle more cinnamon sugar on top.

6: Bake per package instructions. Mine took about 10 minutes at 350 degrees. 

I sliced up some Gala apples to go with them. Probably could have put them IN the crescents, but then my son would never have come back in the kitchen.

Here is a closeup of the crystallized sugar on top. MMMMMmmmmmm...

And just for kicks and to keep it real... here is my daughter's actual meal :)

Super simple, and really scrumptious! I'll be back soon with some vintage goodness!


  1. Awww, thank you so much for the shout out, Dori! What a lovely surprise :) You're more than welcome to use a photo of my paint chip pumpkins on your blog if you're interested.

    Before I started teaching I worked as an Educational Assistant and took over for a woman who had to take an early retirement due to vertigo. I hope yours is short-lived and that you're feeling better.

    These sound delicious and are totally my style of baking - as few steps and ingredients as possible! Perhaps that's why Rice Krispie squares are my all-time favourite treat? We usually go to a fall fair just to get a cinnamon sugar elephant ear but didn't get a chance this year. Perhaps these will be a similar substitute minus the deep-fryer. I have a recipe for Sticky Buns that came from the magazine Real Simple and it uses the Pillsbury buttermilk biscuits. Super easy, delicious and your guests think you slaved away for hours ;)

  2. I'm so glad that I found you on Show and Tell Saturday! This look absolutely delicious. Thank you so much for sharing your recipe:)


  3. kuddos;-) I love this idea!

    I am your newest follower and would love if you paid a visit too!


  4. These look delicious! I'm going to have to try these soon. Found you the Monday Mingle link party and am now following via Bloglovin'!

  5. Those look amazing and right up my alley...EASY! Finding you through Moms Monday Mingle @Home Take 2.

  6. These look so yummy! Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent. I am always so glad to have you share. Can't wait to try this yummy recipe.

    Prayers for a quick healing with the vertigo!!! My husband has had a rough 2 weeks with it. Usually his only last a few days, but this time it has been so much longer. I truly feel for you because I know how much it affects everyday life. Especially this time of year with the sport activities. I so miss those all those precious sports memories with my kids, but I look back and wonder how I ever got everything done. LOL HUGS

  7. Oh my goodness! I love the Trader Joes grinder, I use it in my coffee. Who cares if they're healthy or not ? They look amazing. New fan here.I hope I can persuade you to come link up to my Farm Girl Blog Fest:


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