
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our Christmas Card

This Christmas was as hectic as ever. Possibly more so, since my daughter "gets it" for the first time. Last year, she knew what presents were, but this year - there was a wish list. Her list was simple. A bike. A big girl bike. Santa always delivers, doesn't he? Santa brought my son a new laptop, too.

Yes, Santa is very good to my kids. I think Santa knew I was also feeling very grateful - even more than usual - that my kids are healthy.

The Sandy Hook travesty took a toll on more than just my husband and myself. You assume that parents are horrified. But my son was very distraught, too. Enough that his teacher called to let me know how upset he was. More than the rest of his classmates - at how senseless and unexplainable it all was.

He has little empathy for his little sister, but when it comes to the world - he wants to fix it. He cried and told me that he wanted to invent a time machine to go back to Thursday and warn everyone - to stop it from happening. Not that he wanted "someone" to do that - he wanted to do it himself. That's a lot of weight on a little man's shoulders.

I received the Christmas cards I ordered 2 days after - and all I could think about was how one of those mothers may have gotten their Christmas cards that day, too. With photos of their child smiling.

I planned on starting to address my cards that morning, but found myself reading news articles and crying instead. For several hours I thought that sending Christmas cards seemed so trivial and insignificant. But then I realized that I love receiving them and seeing all the beautiful faces of my family, friends - and more than anything the children. So I got my act together and mailed them in case someone else was having a rough day and my children's faces can brighten it just a little.

From my family to yours... a belated, but heartfelt... Merry Christmas!!! 

And Warmest Wishes for a wonderful New Year!

Please note: These images are from Tiny Prints, Inc.


  1. I love your cards and your children are so adorable! I think that your son has a heart of gold and wish that his idea could become reality! I know what you mean about it all being so upsetting and how preparing for Christmas just didn't seem quite the same or quite as important. Still, we carry on knowing that those in Heaven watch down and enjoy our activities. They know they are loved and thought of and that we pray for their families. It is something that was shocking and will take a while to recover from, altho' we may never completely.Blessings to you and your family that you find peace in your hearts. Hugs, Leena

  2. I think so many felt the same way, not wanting to celebrate, but knowing that life must go on. I have two sensitive sons, who are now wonderful men. Your son sounds like a special person. Peace to you and your lovely family. Penny


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