
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hello, Tangelo! Smoothie Recipe & Mason Jar Tumblers

I recently found a 3 pack of vintage-inspired Mason jar tumblers by Aladdin at my local Costco. They were a great deal and had 3 extra straws to boot. As much as I love real mason jars {in evidence from my blog header}, glass is not kid-friendly in my house.

About the same time as I found these great mugs, I started a green smoothie kick. I am not a big breakfast person. I can go hours in the morning without food, just coffee. But I am completely aware of how unhealthy that is... so, enter green smoothies. And the mason jar tumblers have lids and straws, so when I am dashing out the door to chauffeur my littles, it is a portable breakfast.

This morning I tried a new recipe inspired by the tangelos I picked up at the store the other day. At first I was concerned that it would turn out brown, which I find utterly unappetizing. Orange and green, should not equal green... but somehow they do! Look at the pic for yourself!

My recipe was adapted from this recipe from Once a Month Mom's Tangerine Dream Smoothie. I only changed it because I did not have some of the ingredients on hand. {By the way, Tangelos are a type of Tangerines. Just something new I learned today. Thought I'd share that little nugget with you.}

Here is my latest smoothie recipe if you are interested...

Hello, Tangelo! Smoothie (serves 2)

2 tangelos (peeled, seeded, and sectioned)
2 cups of organic baby spinach

1 scoop of vanilla Protein powder of your choice 
1 banana

honey to taste (optional, I used about a tablespoon)
handful of ice cubes

Put the tangelo sections {and any extra juice from the cutting board} into the blender first.
Then add the spinach. {Taylor Organic is my favorite}
Blend until there are no bits of green left - just a smooth bright green liquid.
Now add your protein powder {I have Whey Factor french vanilla}
If you don't have/like protein powder, you may want to add some almond, coconut, so or regular milk.
Blend again, as protein powder can clump a little when mixed with too many items. Just a quick blend will do.
Next add your banana. At this point, you may want to taste test. If it is tart {and that's not your thing} add some honey, sugar or stevia. I prefer honey.
Finally you can throw in a handful of ice cubes to make it cold and thick. If I have extra banana in the freezer, sometimes I use that for the 1 banana and skip the ice.

Pour and sip! This complete recipe fit perfectly in my Mason jar tumbler shown here, which could easily be shared by two.

When sharing for 2, each serving is approximately 215 calories according to Calorie Count.

A sunny, refreshing {and vitamin A and C filled} breakfast smoothie.

P.S. This recipe is not intended for weight loss. I have started consuming green smoothies to get more green veggies in my diet and adding protein to my mornings. As I mentioned, I am prone to not eating at all until lunch. And 2 cups of spinach a day would not happen in my day without a little fruit or honey to make me like it. :) So for me, this is a good solution for right now.

Calorie Count gave the recipe an A! Bursting with vitamins and goodness... but lots of sugar/carbs from the honey and tangelos. So beware if you are watching carb/sugar intake.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same habit of skipping breakfast too, but this is great way to get what many argue to be the most important meal of the day. Thanks for sharing!


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