
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mother's Day Goodie Bags

This past weekend we spent the majority of our Sunday in a cold hockey rink. Not that I'm complaining. I actually love to watch my son and his team play.

And I really love to see my husband coach the team, too. Literally. See him. He is very animated on the bench. Not in a Bobby Knight sort of way. Just very excited. Everyone comments on how exhausted he will be afterwards.

As head coach, my hubby had to go to a meeting with all the other coaches in the league to plan the team's game schedule. He likened this to being on the floor of the NY Stock Exchange. (Although, I'm not sure that means the same thing as it used to mean.) It is just a bunch of coaches scrambling and telling each other no. He was mortified to realize he was left with a double-header on Mother's Day. He knew he was in big trouble. He was able to reschedule one of the games, but the other coach wouldn't budge. So...

Hubby and the assistant coach devised a plan to give the moms flowers and chocolates from the boys on the team. I thought it was so cute. But in true fashion, when I realized he was going to buy the 4 piece boxes of Whitman's, I started my own devising. {Not that there's anything wrong with their idea!} I came up with a little something for the boys each to hand their mom with a tulip before they got on the ice.

Here is what I came up with for a small gift - a token to say thank you to the moms for making time in their Mother's Day to drive their sons to a freezing hockey rink {and incidentally, watch them lose} :[

I used a simple, resealable clear bag (I had extra lying around) - though I'm sure sandwich baggies would do just fine.

An award ribbon diecut on my Cricut on team colored royal blue cardstock tops a paper doily folded over the top of the bag. (Pretty sure these doilies were in a pack of 30 from the dollar store.) I printed the "#1 MOM" from Microsoft Word 12 per sheet and cut out with a circle punch.

Contents of the gift bag included: different chocolates in various blues, a scroll (see below), and a Hershey's bar wrapped in a photo of the team during a huddle before a game

The other moms went crazy over this. They loved the personal touch! And to think I thought of it at 10pm the night before the game. Super simple, though - I cropped a photo to the right dimensions 
{read: trial & error - could have saved a sheet of paper or 2 had I actually measured the candy bar!}
and printed 6 per sheet. I cut them out leaving ample space above and below to wrap around and adhere with double-sided tape {my absolute craft necessity.}

This shows the open side on the bottom - I didn't adhere too stringently in case they wanted to keep it.

The scroll was from a free printable from A Proffittable Life that I found (again - 10pm the night before, while the photo wrappers printed). I did tweak the blue a bit to better match our team color, but I thought its sentiment was perfect. Boys don't want to give a foofy {actual word?} poem to their moms. This was a manly decree! It lets them feel like they are powerful like kings, presidents, moms!
What? Well, it's true. We are typically the rule makers and enforcers. 

I printed 3 to a sheet as a 4x6 in my photo print program and cut them out. Had I been making just one, or if it had been for a party favor and I had more time I would have trimmed with precision on my paper cutter, but this was now getting late on Saturday night - so they got the old, try-to-cut-a-straight-line-with-junk-drawer-scissors treatment. I wasn't sure how to keep them from getting bent in the bags, 
so I decided to roll them up like scrolls and tie with curling ribbon. 

My husband felt so terrible that I spent the night before Mother's Day working on the gifts for myself and the other moms. But as we often say in this house, "It's just who I am."

~ All images were taken by me and can be found on my Pinterest boards. ~


  1. I'm really impressed, Dori - with your blog and this post - and I'm not just saying that because you're my daughter! Not only are you super creative, you are incredibly generous with your talents and your resources. So proud of you :)

    Love you,


  2. I love this idea! I shared it on my FB page and Pinterest.
    Thank you so much for sharing it with me... Have a great week!


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