
Friday, May 18, 2012

My first 5 minute Friday goes nothing

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.

OK, are you ready? The Gypsy Mama Facebook late night crew is my new muse come 10pm Thursday night, so please give me your best five minutes on their choice: Perspective

My first 5 minute Friday goes nothing!

There have been several times in my life that circumstances have drastically changed my perspective. Most likely the winner of all life-changing events was a phone call from an endocrinologist saying that I in fact had cancer. I was 24 years old. My life flashed before my eyes. Not the life I had lived - not the past. The future - or lack thereof. I was in that moment, terrified that I would never have children or see them grow. What is crazy about this revelation is that I had never wanted or entertained the idea of having kids before. I was frozen in fear. But as the days, weeks and months passed I became determined to take any measure to rid my body of cancer so that I could live the future I surprisingly desired. 

I started this 5 minute Friday challenge after reading my good friend Laura's blog. She may remember how restless I was when I was younger. Always needing to move, meet new people, try new things. It's interesting how settled I am now. I even prefer stay-cations. I want stability for myself and my kids. 

11+ years, 1 husband, 2 kids and a neurotic dog later - it's funny what a little perspective can bring your way.

*Okay, in all honesty - this writing challenge was REALLY hard for me. I will try to continue to do this to relax into writing without backspacing. It's just so ingrained to fix mistakes as I'm typing. But I realize it effects the flow of consciousness. I am a conversational writer, at best. But I have always had issues with leaving the errors go until the end! I am a work in progress. :)

Happy Friday! And Laura, even though we haven't seen each other since my wedding day - I love you!

All images unless otherwise noted are via my Pinterest boards.


  1. Welcome to the Friday fun! You did a great job. Love that quote about watering the, yup - a little too obvious, which makes it funny. We do that in so many areas, miss the obvious, which is why this topic of perspective is so good.

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Thank you for your kindness! I am not a writer. I appreciate your taking the time to read my little blog. This is only my second post. So I am just getting started! :)
      Thanks again for the encouragement!

  2. Okay, finally following your blog. And now I know to look for you on FMF. I love this exercise. I love you. And just feel full knowing we have found a way to reconnect. Now it isn't so one way.


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