
Sunday, June 10, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Expectations

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back to here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.

5 Minute Friday: Expectations


My expectations for this summer are changing daily. First, I signed my 3 year old up for summer school, but they didn't have enough enrollment. So, she is only going on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I tried to get her signed up for Occupational Therapy, but there aren't any openings currently. I had planned on trying to do something special on every Friday. Like go to the museum or arboretum. Unfortunately, real life smacked me in the face.

My son, he has certain expectations for the summer, too. He wants to play with friends as often as possible. And when they aren't available (which is always), his remaining choice is to play Wii or his Nintendo 3DS. I limit his video gaming to 30 minutes a day, which he thinks is cruel and unusual punishment.

My daughter's expectations are to harass her big brother as much as humanly possible now that he is home 24/7. She wants to be him. He wants to be alone. Story of most siblings.

My two children are not exactly compatible right now. Their age difference makes life challenging. My son is 8 and my daughter is 3. She wants to be 8, going on 21.

So we are all trying to adjust our expectations. And I am trying to remember to breathe.

Stop. {Below added after 5 minutes.}

What I wish my kids looked like...

What they usually look like instead...

~All images can be found with original links on my Pinterest boards.~

1 comment:

  1. should post your 5 minute writings with a button of your blog. I can never find you in the linky. My kids are only 2 years apart and they are having bigger compatibility issues right now. My oldest is 10 and starting to lose interest in playing all the time. The younger one is jealous. But as you know, I know nothing about siblings, I struggle and feel inadequate to handle these situations. In my expectations, all sibling issues are unnecessary and silly but I suppose I need to adjust them! Love you.


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