
Friday, June 1, 2012


1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back to here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.

5 Minute Friday: See

It's funny that as I age, I still see myself as young. I mean my mental image of what I look like. I see pictures of myself these days and I think, "Who's that?" Oh, that's me!

Wrinkles forming, eyes puffy, double chin far too obvious. But in my head - I still identify with my younger self. Like 15 years younger. Get over it, I think. Move on. You'll never look like that again.

But my kids don't know that person. They see me. Me now. The only me they've known. My outside may look different, but I am still me. I just need to adjust what I see in the mirror as the person I've always been. I need to see me.

~ All images can be found (with original links) on my Pinterest boards. ~


  1. I don't know. I am not sure you need to remember yourself accurately. I mean if you think you are younger, maybe you will act that way too? And your kids? They will love you no matter what you look like (though I may be approaching the time when I can embarrass them with what I look like). Love you.

  2. I have trouble accepting my age, too! I definitely see myself as far younger than I am.
    Stopping by from The Gypsy Mama.

  3. Wow, your words really made me think about how what I see in the mirror compares to who I really am. Thanks for such inspiration in 5 short minutes!

  4. I'm the same way. I'm in this crazy place where I'm 42 (shhh, don't tell) with a 3 yr old. Thinking I'm still my younger self is what keeps me moving. :) Thanks for dropping by my little place.


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