
Monday, August 13, 2012

Back to School Chalkboard

Both my babies will be at school 5 days a week this year. Granted the little one will just be half day - but 5 days! Wow! It will be an adjustment. But I'm looking forward to all the projects I might get half done. :)

If you don't want to read the mommy part of this post, just scroll down. :)

I am anxious for the school year to start. Good anxious and bad.

Both kids are starting new schools. It was the plan earlier this year to have them both under one roof. Yeah! But plans change. Boo! It is for the best of my oldest, but it is going to be a logistical nightmare for me. But it's not about me. So I will deal with it.

And for the first time my son might feel "normal" instead of always being singled out as the smartest. I am anxious because I am not sure if he will excel or feel panicked that he doesn't know every answer before the question is asked. He doesn't know what it is like to work for his grades. School has always come too easily for him. To the point of excruciating boredom this past year. Hence, the change in venue.

Anywho - I digress - I have had school on the brain, and not just shopping for supplies. {That I have always loved. New notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, crayons... the possibilities were so infinite to my young imagination.} I am worrying for them about making friends, fitting in, adjusting to new schools, teachers and kids.

So, I wanted them to see my "excitement". The hopeful kind - not the anxious side. I want them (or at least the 8 year old) to feel that overwhelming sense of endless opportunities for something new to happen.

It can take a while to come up with a vignette that I like. Here is my progress as I worked through it...

Back to School Chalkboard
I drew a banner and apples on the chalkboard and then added a few apples in the empty space. Then I added a ruler at the bottom.

cake plate with apples in bell jar
Thought I would add some apples in a bell jar {aka cloche. I usually prefer the french versions of words and phrases, but I really like "bell jar" - could you tell?} This didn't make my final cut, though.

I came up with 2 printables since I wasn't sure where my vision would wind up...

Rainbow chevron with quote printable and tiny bell jar with apple and rainbow liner. 
Again, these did not make the final cut, but I think the rainbow version is very fun! I have to give credit for the background to Doodle Craft { } The print was big and the apple and bell jar were tiny - just didn't work.

Neutral printable: has crumpled paper bag and banner with white quote.
I had come up with a second version for the quote. A neutral version with a crumpled paper bag (reminded me of a kraft lunch bag) with a neutral chevron banner and white quote.

Update: I have both printables available for FREE here. :)

The quote I chose was by Dr. Seuss from Oh, The Places You'll Go. It's a popular book to quote, but most people use a different line from the book. "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose...."

But I really think this part rings clear for my son. My 3 year old couldn't care less about this yet :)

“So be sure when you step, 
Step with care and great tact. 
And remember that life's 
A Great Balancing Act. 
And will you succeed? 
Yes! You will, indeed! 
(98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) 
Kid, you'll move mountains.”

My 8 year old is big on percentages. If you ask him a question, such as, "How are you today?" he will answer something along the lines, "87% good, 13% not so good." And I really love the message that there is a small chance for bumpy roads ahead, but in the end - great things can be accomplished.

So, then I added my neutral printable and a plant in a rustic bucket. Next I switched the apples to a pedestal vase instead of the bell jar. Not happy with my haphazard plant, I switched it again.

I removed the plant and added a vintage, folding ruler. Now I was starting to get somewhere.

Now we're talking! I added one of my favorite finds, a vintage globe with the perfect faded patina. 

Back to School Chalkboard with globe, ruler, quote and apples.
This was the keeper!

Let me know if you would have done something different! I am sleep-deprived and this was as creative as the juices would flow this naptime. :)


  1. I really, really like the vintage globe and star-shaped ruler. Looks great! (ps thanks for the comment on my post. I think I've added a follow button... Ah, there's so much to learn!!!)

  2. Everything is so cute. It almost makes me ready for school to start!

    1. Thank you! My husband thought the apples were fake - but he bought them! :)

  3. would love for you to join my linky party Friday pretties over at my blog.

  4. it is great! i love the final look.

  5. I love it! Love the globe the ruler, the apples. So homeschool friendly as well, which is what we do. Thanks for the idea.

    1. Thanks, Amy! Love your fall mantel - will have to check out more of your posts! :)

  6. Love the quote you chose...and the old ruler star is beautiful! I'm in the same boat as you...anxious about my son starting middle school...I think they handle it better than us worrisome moms LOL

    1. I am sure you're right! :)
      Love your blog - just subscribed!

  7. I am so lovin' the final look, and thanks for sharing it at my party.


  8. Adorable! Those apples look delicious.

  9. Newest follower from feature friday. Love the chalkboard.

    Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can.

    1. Hi Julie! Thank you for following! I am your newest follower! :)

  10. I love it all! Thank you so much for sharing at my party!

  11. So fun and inspiring. I think the best part is that your kids see you taking such care to do something special for them. That will become part of their treasured memories of you. I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll stop over at Quirky Vistas for a visit and follow too, if you like.

    1. Hi Liz,
      Thanks for stopping by and following! I think you're right - at least I kind of hope so! Sometimes I think my kids don't notice half of what I do. :)
      Your newest follower, too!

  12. This is darling. Thanks for showing us the ones that didn't make the "cut". Visiting from

  13. Such a cute vignette ~ love the chalkboard. We worry so about our kiddos but in the end I think they are much more resilient than we realize ~ best wishes for a great school year! That's a wonderful Dr. Seuss quote, too!!

    1. Thank you, JoAnne! I know so much of the anxiety is all my own. He is actually seeming very excited, so that is my current state of mind - Excited!

  14. Beautifully put together Dori. Thanks for sharing at Shabbilicious Friday.

  15. What a beautiful vignette - and that Dr. Seuss book is my absolute favorite ( gave it to my daughter when she graduated ( from University lol)
    and had a big lump in my throat as she reread it out loud.
    Your newest follower - would love to have you come by and follow back when you have the time

    1. Hi Suzan!
      I'm more than happy to follow back - love your before and afters - and your sense of humor :)

  16. Thanks so much for linking up. Hope you have a chance to stop by and check out this week's features. I think you'll like them!

    1. Thank you, Sharon! How exciting! Thank you for hosting such a great linky party!

  17. Great idea, love the quote!! Thanks for linking up to Tasty Thursdays at The Mandatory Mooch. Hope you will link up again this week. The party will be live tonight.

    Thanks, Nichi

  18. Okay - this is just amazing! What beautiful decor for back to school! So classy! I'd love it if you posted this to my current linky party for back to school ideas and homeschool rooms! :)

  19. Tee hee! Forgot the linky party link I think:

  20. I love it- how charming!! Sharing at the party tonight~ thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!

    1. Thank you, Courtney! How exciting! I really appreciate it.

  21. Hi Dori,
    I just wanted to stop by and let you know you have been featured and you are part of the "Back To School" Mood Blog Board at Share it One More Time Party. Thanks you so much for sharing and hope you will join the party again this week.
    Have a wonderful weekend and Congratulations!

  22. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Someday Crafts! I will be featuring your project Tuesday afternoon on our blog. Please stop back in and grab a Featured At Someday Crafts button for your blog. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

  23. Aww I absolutely love this!!!! What a beautiful space, I love the decor!!! Simple but so beautiful!


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